Israelites In Egypt

Egypt has been mentioned several times in the bible, particularly during the time of Moses. But in the history of Egypt, there was no mention of Moses nor the Israelites as the slaves of Egypt. They were said to have lived in Egypt for 430 years. It is also well mentioned in the scriptures, that the Israelites became slaves in Egypt and crossed the divided water of the Red Sea. Many thought that the Israelites built the pyramids but in reality they built treasure cities for the pharaoh.

Moreover, the bible did not mention “pyramid” in any of its verses. Another claim stated that pyramids were built by aliens. However, based on history, the pyramids already existed even before Joseph, the son of Jacob was born. This proves, that the pyramids were not built by the Israelites.

Although the bible elaborately narrated the role of Egypt towards Israel, it is unwelcoming to think, that it is not written in the history of Egypt. Apparently, no evidences were found which manifested the presence of the Israelites in Egypt. It maybe possible however, that Egypt erased all written works of Moses and removed him entirely from their history because he was an Israelite.

Over a greater expanse of time, the bible has proven its authenticity with undisputed origin. Hence, the Israelites indeed lived in Egypt. Although Egypt had great mathematical ability and impeccable astronomical observations, the Israelites had an incredible faith despite hardwork and struggles which the Egyptians themselves could not deny to have witnessed.